Fashion-Forward Church Clothes for Men

Fashion-Forward Church Clothes for Men

Publicado por Brooke Hayes en

Church clothes haven’t really changed all that much in the past 100 years. However, styles have. If you’re finding yourself uninspired by your church clothes, consider an upgrade. The following items are must-haves for any fashion-forward man going to church,

Classic Button-Up

The first clothing staple you need to create a fashion-forward church wardrobe is a classic button-up shirt. Even if worn with jeans, a button-up can transform an outfit to make it more stylish and formal. Investing in a few high-quality button-up shirts can give you options for church clothes, and help you look your best while you’re there. The most common color option is white, but you can branch out and wear some other plain-colored button-ups as well. Whatever color or style you choose, be sure to invest in a high-quality product. New advances in clothing technology allow you to buy button-up shirts that are moisture-wicking and wrinkle-resistant. This helps keep you comfortable while you wear it.

A Suit That Fits

Whether it’s too big or too small, there’s no faster way to look fashion unconscious than by wearing a suit that doesn’t fit. A well-tailored suit shows proper decorum for church, and also ensures you look your best. Before you go shopping for a new suit, be sure to carefully take note of your measurements. Someone else can help you with this step. Then, you’ll have all the information you need to find a suit that fits you perfectly. It’s also important to remember that a suit involves a coat and pants. Your decade-old slacks won’t quite cut it anymore. Upgrade to slacks that fit you well, and make you look your best.


No church outfit is complete without its accessories. Since the staples of the outfit are fairly neutral and basic, this is your opportunity to make the outfit your own. Ties, watches, shoes, and cuff links can all add personality and vibrance to your church outfit. It’s fun to add as much variety to your accessories as possible. Ties are one of the things that you can find in roughly any pattern or color. They can be a great conversation starter or can help you look even more classy. Choosing the proper accessories is what will make your outfit look unique and personalized to your style.

A Pop of Color

Most church clothes tend to be very neutral. White shirt, black pants, etc. Adding some color to your outfit can make it feel brand new. As previously mentioned, accessories are a great way to do this. Wear colored shoes, or a bright tie to make an outfit look new and inventive. You can also wear a colored shirt or pants to add more color. However, stick to lighter, or neutral tones to still be respectful.

Finding church clothes can be a difficult task, especially if you care about fashion. The dull, drab church clothes of the past can seem too boring and stifling for your style. However, upgrading to high-quality clothing items that fit you well can make you look stunning. 

If you want high-quality clothing — whether for church, sport, work, or lounging — Truwear is the best place to shop. With hundreds of stylish options, you can find whatever you need. Click here to browse!

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